Seeing The Aura
Seeing aura is a method that is not Reiki. The aura can not usually be seen with naked eyes But that capacity can be developed through meditation. Special methods that use colored displays and filters or radionic cameras can also be readily seen. Kirlian photography is one of the methods by which etheric energy patterns are photographed around non living things and living things. Semyon Kirlian, a Russian scientist, developed this method in the 1940s. It is based on the idea that a spark occurs between the object and the electrode when an object has a high-frequency electrical field around it and is grounded. This phenomenon is captured by a unique camera. The photo shows lovely colors and patterns around the picture object, depending on their energy patterns or aura. Different human aura colors have varying interpretations of a person’s character.
There are several techniques available on the Internet that you can choose from. Once an individual develops this capacity with meditation, without the assistance of any tool, he/she can readily see the human aura. This makes it easy to judge a person’s character before starting to cope with him/her, but remember that this is a difficult matter. It has its own merits and demerits to develop the capacity to see the aura. Before you start to practice, you have to ask yourself whether this capacity is essential for you to evolve. What will be the true practical usefulness? Think about it several times and see if the time and effort needed to create this skill would be worthwhile.
Treating the Aura
The fact that the diseases first appear in the aura is generally agreed upon. Maybe someone will differ with it, but the significance of treating the aura or treating the body through the aura is not disputed.
This technique is especially helpful when, for some reason, the recipient’s body cannot be touched. Aura treatment would mean body treatment. If the touch is not allowed, the body can be treated by putting the hands for treating the aura. There is no harm in the combined implementation of both methods. Please note that for a Reiki healing session, it is not necessary to see the aura. The method is quite simple. The treatment medication is given with the distinction that this time the hands do not physically touch the body as in the hands-on method. As with the usual Reiki healing session, let the patient lying comfortably on a treatment table.
Bring your hands over the body with an inch or so away (not touching the body), let them swing and push them gently from the head to the feet as if you were providing Reiki to the patient aura. Repeat the same for the back once you’re done with the front body. The patient is lying on the stomach this time. With some practice, during complete body treatment, you can also use this method to scan the full body to recognize the problem areas. When Reiki flows through the body, making it lighter, brighter and wider in range help the aura to be it through treatment or Reiki attunement session. The impact is even better than a normal Reiki session when Reiki treatment is given especially through the aura. The change can be noticed by those who can see the aura.
Seven human aura’s energy fields
There are seven layers of human aura corresponding to seven chakras, namely, divine body, spiritual body, casual body, mental body, astral-emotional body, etheric body, and auric physical body. These layers are also called the human aura’s energy fields. Each field has its own color, yet an aura color is overall.
Protecting the Aura
One might be attracted to negative energies anywhere, but when you move around in public places, the possibilities of exposure become far too great. There we find peoples with variable energy levels, especially in public places such as airports, markets, railway stations, etc. And in the offices as well. Some of the people there might possibly have powerful negative energy that could affect us if we come near to them in some way. Since it is almost impossible to identify and bypass such energies completely, it is better to stay secure. You should, therefore, learn to protect your aura. There are several techniques to do so, which your Reiki teacher will teach you during Reiki training class.It hardly takes a few minutes to do so or even a few seconds once you have practiced enough. However, this does not protect against a physical phenomenon such as knee hitting a table or physical attack, etc. Your Reiki teacher will teach you other aspects as well. Remember if he forgets. During their Second Degree Reiki training with me, I teach this to my students.
read The Seven Chakras in Human Body to know more about Human Aura