Distance Healing


Distance Reiki treatments are as efficient as medicines in-person, enabling patients to receive healing from a distance. Christy carries out Reiki distance healing for patients who can not attend in-person sessions. Reiki professionals of the second degree learn and achieve three symbols, one of which is the “distance symbol.” This symbol enables the practitioner to send healing Reiki energy across time and space. Also, this symbol can be used in-person to assist clear past or big sections of the body blockages. It can also be used to clean neighbourhoods or geographic locations. This symbol is used to link to his or her energy when practicing Reiki on someone who is not physically present.

Distance Reiki functions in accordance with the Hermetic Law of Similarity, which says that we are all connected because we are all energy and part of a bigger whole. As such, invoking this law during a Reiki distance session enables the practitioner to link an object to the recipient’s energy field.

Distant Healing Method (Level-2)

A practitioner who has been tuned for distant healing, i.e. Reiki Second Degree, can use this method. There is no physical touch involved in this method. As the title indicates, you can send Reiki energy to any distance. The recipient is not needed to present the practitioner physically. The Reiki energy is not bound by space and time at this stage. The past and the future can be sent.

This method becomes very useful in a scenario where it is impossible to touch the recipient for any reason or treat someone who does not like being touched by hand. To send distant healing, there are several prevalent and unique methods.

Distant Treatment
Available for special cases only

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