Which diseases can be healed by Reiki?
The practitioner channels healing energy through her hands to the animal through a light touch either directly on the body or from a distance. It is based on the idea that all living beings have life energy flowing through them. When life energy is high, living beings are healthy and balanced, more relaxed and less likely to get sick. When it is low, they’ll often be more easily affected by stress and less resistant to illness. Animals, especially cats, are naturally receptive to the Reiki energy. Some Animals may initially prefer to experience the energy from a slight distance, rather than having the practitioner’s hands directly on them. Reiki sessions for Animals 20-30 minutes. The frequency of sessions depends entirely on each individual animal’s health status and needs. Some health issues can be resolved in two or three sessions, others may take ongoing sessions on a recurring basis.
Benefits of Reiki for animals:
- Enhances overall well-being.
- Reiki strengthens the immune system to alleviate or prevent the side effects of conventional cancer treatments and provides pain relief.
- Increases trust and bonding between you and your pet.
People and pets often mirror each others’ physical and emotional states. Animals are natural healers and sometimes take on their person’s problems, often in an attempt to heal them. This happens because of the deep bond shared between a pet and his or her person. Because of the shared energy in such a close relationship, energetic imbalances are shared as well. For optimum healing, joint treatments for people and their pets can often be beneficial. - Many behavior issues are caused by stress. Reiki has a calming effect on the pet and may help make the pet more receptive to training and behavior modification. Reiki is extremely beneficial for animals with a history of abuse. The gentle touch and energy can help restore trust in animals who have learned to associate touch with being hurt.
- Provides comfort and relieves pain, anxiety, and fear for terminally ill animals.
Reiki is a wonderful way to facilitate the transition for terminally ill animals and their owners. Often, animals will not allow themselves to transition because they intuitively feel that their person is not ready to let them go. Joint Reiki treatments for the pet and his or her person can help both through this difficult time by enhancing the bond and allowing a gentle transition.
All animals take the energy they need to heal or relax and on no account does reiki ever cause discomfort, pain or distress. Reiki healing can be used alongside veterinary treatment as it does not in any way interfere detrimentally with the treatment but can help to speed up the healing process, de-stress a sick animal and ease any pain the animal is suffering.
Reiki healing can also be used when an animal is dying as it seems to calm them and prepare them for their journey to the spirit world. When reiki is done for a dying animal the owner can benefit greatly seeing how calm and at peace, their beloved pet becomes and it can ease their grief and loss.
Animal Reiki Treatment Applying Form
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