Comforting journey of souls crossing

Reiki Treatment for Crossing Over Souls

Reiki Treatment for Crossing Over Souls

Reiki was not the only an alternative remedy to me only because new experience day by day changed my theories according to Reiki. I’ve known that reiki energy is the wonderful power that connects to all the energies exists in universe if someone learn and focuses very deeply. It is told by eastern wisdom that the universe is based on the waves and existences of all those waves are everywhere and every time in the form of information. Moreover, not only our world inhabited in universe but there are also so many life systems in which human is not more than traveler or u can say it, passenger. Human being also presents anywhere before being born in this world that the place where human comes from and goes away from this world to get new experiences.

My quest was being continued in the meanwhile I met a spiritual mentor and luckily my request to be a spiritual student has been accepted. My spiritual mentor knows very well about the obvious (existence) and unseen (hidden) truth of the whole universe. I’ve been taught how human born in the form of the child in the world does and get affected to the waves that spread and remotes in universe and disrupts the cosmic waves of the universe from own intentions as well. This disruption badly affects on health and other important matters of life even person near to die. Since that person has already disturbed cosmic waves against the universal law so the person has to face many difficulties in the world after death.

You may have seen sometimes many people get a problem when they are going to die. I believe that everyone needs help when a person steps forward to life after death and if someone gets perfect and best spiritual help at the time of death than the journey after death would be easy. Otherwise, the patient gets too much affliction for many weeks or months at the end doctor decides to place the patient on ventilator that is more painful to the patient.

The comforting journey of souls crossing I can Help and Work with people who are dying.

Reiki Treatment for Crossing Over Souls Applying Form