Today The Reiki Guru is the Best Website on Reiki Healing, Distance Healing & Reiki Attunement. The Reiki Guru Enrolling Reiki Students Around the World. The reason behind the page to serve the visitors who are searching for how to do reiki, Reiki healing techniques on the internet as per their need. I’ve known that Reiki energy is the wonderful power that connects to all the energies exists in the universe if someone learns and focuses very deeply. It is told by
Eastern Wisdom
Eastern Wisdom
I’ve got attention in alternative medicines such like reiki and other healing systems etc when my mother was diagnosed from cancer and while all the medical facilities even advance medical systems were failed to cure and take her out from this disease. I prayed to Almighty to give my mother relief from intolerable pain. In the mean while, I got the idea that the way of treatment must change than the treatment might be helpful to her.
I started the searching for new powerful and careful treatment and I nevertheless met the grand reiki master. After meeting with grand reiki master I felt the reiki treatment and energies could help to my mother. So, I learned reiki with very much interest and attention than gave the treatment to mother as grand reiki master directed.
If you are truly enthusiastic to learn something new about curing and even though if you can feel the pain as patient feels moreover the patient is your own dearest person than sincerity come self in heart. Here the patient is not anyone but my mother whom I emotionally bound. I regularly and continuously gave reiki to my mother, due to this regular practice flow of the reiki energies increased as compared to other reiki students and I felt as energies are getting out from my hands. I continued the treatment to my mother and soon I realized that she has got good relief from intolerable pain as result she slept when she felt better and relief. This result is my big success that I discussed with my teacher and he was very happy and surprised to hear the result and encouraged me a lot.
After the successful treatment of my mother, now I began to help other people from the reiki power to cure them. Such like one of my friend’s wife was cured by the reiki energy that was diagnosed from mouth cancer. My friend called me for helping and I saw she was crying from the hard pain and also sleeplessness. She got sleep deeply from my 1st treatment that was only 10 minutes duration. These wonderful results motivated me more and I decided to help all the people surround who are sick and in troubleness.
I spiritually and mentally involved deeply with reiki energies that just putting hands on patient, all his/her life from the past had been seen as film and I was aware what patient did. The patient got so surprised when I told his past that was hidden.
I was getting amazing results from reiki treatment. A very strange incident happened one day, I was asked for giving reiki healing to an old man. I started to give him reiki but when I put my both hands on him I got information immediately from my 6th sense regarding to the patient that he won’t survive anymore. Two days later an old man was dead. This kind of feelings brought new experience to me and whenever I put my hands to anybody for giving reiki treatment, I got know patient will either live or die.
Reiki was not only alternative remedy to me only because new experience day by day changed my theories according to Reiki. I’ve known that reiki energy is the wonderful power that connects to all the energies exists in universe if someone learn and focus very deeply. It is told by eastern wisdom that the universe is based on the waves and existences of all those waves are everywhere and every time in the form of information. Moreover, not only our world inhabited in universe but there are also so many life systems in which human is not more than traveler or u can say it passenger. Human being also presents anywhere before being born in this world that the place where human comes from and goes away from this world to get new experiences.
My quest was being continued in the mean while I met a spiritual mentor and luckily my request to be spiritual student has been accepted. My spiritual mentor knows very well about the obvious (existence) and unseen (hidden) truth of the whole universe. I’ve been taught how human born in the form of the child in the world does and get affected to the waves that spread and remotes in universe and disrupts the cosmic waves of universe from own intentions as well. This disruption badly affects on health and other important matters of life even person near to die. Since that person has already disturbed cosmic waves against the universal law so person has to face many difficulties in the world after death.
You may have seen sometimes many people gets problem when they are going to die. I believe that everyone needs help when person step forward to life after death and if someone gets perfect and best spiritual help at the time of death than the journey after death would be easy. Otherwise, patient gets too much affliction for many weeks or months at the end doctor decides to place the patient on ventilator that is more painful to the patient.
My spiritual teacher has told me that every person who is near to death can be helped through making connection to the world after death so that the person could easily step out into other life zone. Only the Reiki is not enough for all these but the spiritual person who has deep oriented knowledge in cosmic waves that make connection between this world and world after death. This great knowledge only can get from spiritual mentor.
Meanwhile, my mother passed away after long ailment. Demise of my mother emotionally shocked to me because I had seen already scrimmage between life and death of my mother. Reiki energies and helping the people while dying is not only a knowledge to but I had chosen as a mission which had been performed from the deepens of my heart and soul. I also got to know that the person who is near to die gets pass away it’s not necessary, rather some people comes back to the life after getting good spiritual helps and balanced cosmic energies as well and live happily healthy life. I also got experiment that in this case when die people gets spiritual help they back to the life or easily stepout into world after death either.
I think only medical science is not enough to cure a patient but must be to taken help and complete guidance from spirituality and its resources for better healthy living. Now a day’s science and Meta physics also deal with the reality beyond the materialism. In the eastern, there were many great people exist who got best knowledge in elements of reality beyond the world. They also know the stages of life cycle before being born, after born and after death and the connection with balancing among life cycle so that human being can be got benefits and easiness replaces all the difficulties.
I’ve designed and pulled out the new way after combination of Reiki with an ancient theory of eastern wisdom that is spiritual knowledge from which anyone can get help and lot of benefits in both in this world and life after death.
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